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Prosperity Planner

Prosperity Planner allows you to:
  • Identify the wages you need to earn to be self-sufficient
  • Develop a budget that covers your basic expenses
  • Learn about resources that may help lower expenses

You can also:
  • Test different career and living options
  • Find out if the career options you're exploring will help you achieve financial independence
  • Make a financial plan to reach your career goals

Living expenses

Child care and dependencies

Career options

Financial growth

Washington residents are encouraged to use Self Sufficiency Calculator.

Adapted for use by Worksystems, Inc., a WorkSource Oregon partner, with the permission of
the Workforce Development Council of Seattle King County.
© 2024 Worksystems, Inc. 
WorkSource is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.  
To place a free relay call in Oregon dial 711.  
This program financed in whole or in part with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.